Woman Preachers = Rebellion Against God!

By Robert J. Stewart

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." I Timothy 2:12

Passage taken from Evangelist John. R. Rice's brilliant book "Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives and Women Preachers" Pg. 41-42;

"Paul says that the weakness of a woman and her aptness to be misled is shown because 'Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.' Satan found he could deceive Eve easier than he could deceive Adam. God made woman after such a fashion that she should be a comfortable and obedient helpmeet, a mate who would fit to his will and plans. So, in the nature of the case, women are not as well fitted for executive authority. If women are more easily led, they are not as good leaders. Every pastor knows that women are easier to enlist in good work. But careful observers must admit that women are also easier led into false doctrines and into errors of various kinds. But the argument here in I Timothy 2:14 is that Satan was able to deceive Eve when he could not deceive Adam, and that this is an evidence that women should not be placed in authority in churches and in Christian work. If he could deceive Eve easier in the Garden of Eden, he could deceive women easier now. This means that women leaders are more likely to lead into heresy in doctrine and unscriptural practice than men. Women are not fitted to teach men or usurp authority over men, says this Scripture."

When a woman stands behind a pulpit and starts preaching, she is violating what God had told her NOT to do! God's purpose for creating a woman was for her to be a helpmeet for man! (Genesis 2:20-22).

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