The Woman's Role

By Dr. Curtis Hutson


I. The Importance of the Woman's Role In the World

   When we think of soul winners, we usually think of men; but the greatest soul winner in the Bible may have been a lady. In John, chapter 4, a lady, who had been married five times and was living with a man who was not her husband, after drinking of Living water, went into town and said, "Come, see a man, which told me all things I ever did." And many believed on Christ. Others followed her back to where Jesus was. And those who followed her accepted Christ when they saw Him for themselves.
   The unusual th8ing about this story is that twelve preachers had been in that same town all day, and not one of them had led a single soul to Christ. Now here was a fallen lady who had never joined the church and never been baptized who said, "Come, see a man, which told me all things that I ever did: is not this the Christ?" She exaggerated. He didn't tell everything she ever did! He only told her that she had been married five times and was living with a man who was not her husband. This woman led nearly the whole town to Christ!
   The greatest giver in the Bible was probably a woman. Jesus stood over by the treasury and beheld as they came to cast in their gifts. The one He told about was a little widow who had only two mites, and she put them in, and our Lord said, "...but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even her living." She was probably the greatest giver. At least Jesus used her as an example of how believers should give.
   The most beautiful stories ever written about women are found in the Bible. I think Jochebed, the mother of Moses, whose very name signifies her glory is Jehovah.
   There are three women in the story of Moses: his mother, Jochebed; his sister, Miriam; and Pharaoh's daughter.
   Then who could ever forget the beautiful story of Hannah who prayed for a baby boy; and when God gave him to her, she gave him back to the Lord.
   Then there is Deborah holding back the host of Sisera, winning a great victory, and thus silencing forever the feeling some have had concerning women's weakness.
   Then there is Abigail, kneeling at the foot of the mountain until 400 men halt and turned back.
   There is Ruth, queen of the harvest field, who is in the ancestral line of our Lord.
   In the New Testament, there is Mary the mother of Jesus who lived beautifully before Him in everything. And, humanly speaking, if there were more mothers like Mary, there would be more children like Christ.
   There is the Syrophoencian woman who, without a promise, pleaded with Jesus for her daughter who was grievously vexed with a devil. No greater faith was ever demonstrated.
   There is Dorcas who made garments for the poor and put her love into every stitch.
   And the stories go on and on and on. Christ was always especially tender with women. It was for two women (Mary and Martha) that He broke the seal of death and raised Lazarus from the tomb. It was for a mother that He stopped a funeral procession in Nain and raised a young boy from the dead. It was for a woman (Mary Magdalene) that He cast out seven devils. When Jesus hung on the cross, He uttered seven things. Three utterances came before the darkness, three after the darkness, and one during the darkness. One utterance had to do with His mother. He looked at John and said, "Behold thy mother!" and made provisions for her after His death.
   The Bible is filled with stories about women. I could not begin to tell them all. No one can read the Bible and not be impressed with the importance of women.
End of Chapter One


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