Kisses Of Calvary

by Pastor Jack Hyles

(Loyal Pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana for over 42 years)


It is one of the greatest joys of my life to write the introduction of this book written by my son. You will find in him a person who always has time and love for his mother, wife, children, church family, and young preachers.

This is the Jack Hyles I have watched grow from boyhood to manhood, giving Christ first place in his life and always having a great love and burden for lost souls.

My son and his work have always been very dear to me through the years.  My prayer is the Lord will use this book to strengthen Christians and give them a closer walk with Him and to help many find Jesus as their Saviour.

May God continue to use Jack’s ministry in reaching others for our Lord.

May, 1965

Mrs. C.M. Hyles

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Kisses of Calvary

Chapter 2: The Just Justifier

Chapter 3: The Fullness of the Spirit

Chapter 4: The Dignity of Man

Chapter 5: The Simplicity of Salvation

Chapter 6: Others

Chapter 7: The Sowing, Growing and Knowing the Tares

Chapter 8: You Cannot Hide From God

Chapter 9: Horses, chariots, or Jesus

Chapter 10: Enoch, the Man Who Disappeared

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